Concurrent Requests Failing with APP-FND-00362


All the custom concurrent requests failing to run.
Logfile shows the following error:

APP-FND-00362: Routine afpbep cannot execute request &REQUEST for program &PROGRAM,
because the environment variable &BASEPATH is not set for the application to which
the concurrent program executable &EXECUTABLE belongs.

Cause: BASEPATH dir not set as environment variable.


Find the application for which concurrent program is defined..

Go to Application Developer–> Concurrent Program –> Define
and query for the concurrent request(which is failing)

(For e.g. If you get the Application : Business Online)

Now go to Application Developer–>Register Application

Query for the Application to get BASEPATH.

(e.g XX_TOP is the basedirectory for Custom Application)

At the application tier check if XX_TOP is not set..
$echo $XX_TOP

Add the env variable XX_TOP=/../../..
 to applTop env or custom env and restart concurrent manager

Resubmit the request which have failed.

One thought on “Concurrent Requests Failing with APP-FND-00362”

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