Query to Find Concurrent Requests Run on a specific Date

The Script below gives the details of all Concurrent Programs submitted on a given date

f.request_id ,
pt.user_concurrent_program_name user_conc_program_name,
to_char(f.actual_start_date,’DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS’) start_on,
to_char(f.actual_completion_date,’DD-MON-YY HH24:MI:SS’) end_on,
|| ‘ HOURS ‘ ||
*24*60*60) –
|| ‘ MINUTES ‘ ||
*24*60*60) –
*24*60*60)/3600)*3600 –
*24*60*60) –
*24*60*60)/3600)*3600)/60)*60) ))
|| ‘ SECS ‘ time_difference,
p.concurrent_program_name concurrent_program_name,
decode(f.phase_code,’R’,’Running’,’C’,’Complete’,f.phase_code) Phase,
from  apps.fnd_concurrent_programs p,
apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl pt,
apps.fnd_concurrent_requests f
where f.concurrent_program_id = p.concurrent_program_id
and f.program_application_id = p.application_id
and f.concurrent_program_id = pt.concurrent_program_id
and f.program_application_id = pt.application_id
AND pt.language = USERENV(‘Lang’)
and f.actual_start_date like ’24-JUN-15%’
order by
f.actual_start_date desc;

Useful Linux Commands for Apps DBA’s

Check Used Space on  a Disk/ Mount Point
The du command summarizes your disk usage. The sort command sorts the files by size. The command shown below sorts from smallest to largest all files in the current directory and all directories contained below the starting directory. Because the sort starts with the smallest file, the end of the list shows the largest files.

Deleting a large file is usually more efficient than deleting many small files. Often the largest files are core files or cache files, both of which you can delete.

du -h –max-depth=1
du -a | sort -k 1n,1|tail -30
du -sk * | sort -n | tail

Files more than 5mb

find . -mount -size +50000000c -print | ls -lh
find . -size +100000000c -print
find . -size +50000000c -print | xargs ls -l
find . -size +10000000c -print
find . -size +10000 -print

Files more than 30 day old.

find . -name “*.aud” -mtime +7

find . -name *.req -mtime +30|xargs gzip

find . -name “TEST01_*.out” -mtime +2 |xargs ls -l

find . -name “*.log” -mtime -1|xargs ls -l

Files modified in the last 6hrs ago
find . -name “*.log” -mmin 360|xargs ls -l
find . -mmin 360|xargs ls -l

find . -mtime +1|xargs ls -l

find . -size +30000000c -xdev -exec ls -l {} ;


Concurrent Requests Failing with APP-FND-00362


All the custom concurrent requests failing to run.
Logfile shows the following error:

APP-FND-00362: Routine afpbep cannot execute request &REQUEST for program &PROGRAM,
because the environment variable &BASEPATH is not set for the application to which
the concurrent program executable &EXECUTABLE belongs.

Cause: BASEPATH dir not set as environment variable.


Find the application for which concurrent program is defined..

Go to Application Developer–> Concurrent Program –> Define
and query for the concurrent request(which is failing)

(For e.g. If you get the Application : Business Online)

Now go to Application Developer–>Register Application

Query for the Application to get BASEPATH.

(e.g XX_TOP is the basedirectory for Custom Application)

At the application tier check if XX_TOP is not set..
$echo $XX_TOP

Add the env variable XX_TOP=/../../..
 to applTop env or custom env and restart concurrent manager

Resubmit the request which have failed.