Have you ever forgot or lost apps password in R12. In Oracle Applications 11i, It is easy to recover apps password as it is stored in application files appsweb.cfg and wdbsvr.app.
Apps password is not available in the application files in R12. We can still recover the lost password by creating a decrypt function.
Steps to retreive apps password in R12:
1.Create function Using below syntax
SQL> create or replace FUNCTION apps.decrypt_pin_func(in_chr_key IN VARCHAR2,in_chr_encrypted_pin IN VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2
LANGUAGE JAVA NAME ‘oracle.apps.fnd.security.WebSessionManagerProc.decrypt(java.lang.String,java.lang.String) return java.lang.String’;
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Function created.
2. Find the encrypted password using below query
3.Run the below query to decrypt the password
SQL> SELECT apps.decrypt_pin_func(‘GUEST/ORACLE’,’JH89E045BEA551FD01A8D71029ACA879F209U8BD898F451EBDB987C818E7608CE0CC0167BDCAF9D1D04D9C9CEE418CFE615A’) from dual;
4. Verify Database Connection using the password retreived
SQL> conn apps/PASSWORD
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