How to enable ArchiveLog mode in Oracle Database RAC Environment?

Steps to enable Archivelog mode in RAC environment:

The following steps need to be taken to enable archive logging in a RAC database environment:

1. Shutdown immediate all database instances
$ srvctl stop database -d <db_unique_name>

2. Startup database in mount mode
$ srvctl start database -d <db_unique_name> -o mount

3. Enable archive logging
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
sql> alter database archivelog;
sql> exit;

4. Stop database
$ srvctl stop database -d <db_unique_name>

5.Start all database instances
$ srvctl start database -d <db_unique_name>

6.Verify archiving is enabled/disabled 
sql> archive log list;

Enable ArchiveLog Mode on Oracle RAC database fails with ORA-00265

On a test RAC environment, while archiving is being enabled, “ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG” command errored with ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode

Below are the steps performed to enable Archivelog mode on a 3-node RAC database environment.

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $
test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl stop database -d TEST101

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is not running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is not running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is not running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl start database -d TEST101 -o mount
test0115:TEST1011 $  srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $

test0115:TEST1011 $ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat May 9 14:13:54 2020

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Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options

SQL> select name,open_mode from gv$database;

——— ——————–

SQL>SQL> alter database archivelog;
alter database archivelog
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode


1. Shutdown the database cleanly

SQL> shutdown immediate (on 3 RAC nodes)

2. Startup the database in mount stage

SQL> startup mount

3. Enable Archivelog mode

SQL> Alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

4. Open the database

SQL> Alter database open.

5. Verify archielog mode is enabled.


What are Nodeapps Services in Oracle RAC

Nodeapps are standard set of oracle application services which are started automatically for RAC.

Node apps Include:

1) VIP.
2) Oracle Net listener.
3) Global Service Daemon.
4) Oracle Notification Service.

Nodeapp Services run on each node of the cluster and will switched over to other nodes through VIP during the failover.

Useful commands to maintain nodeapps services:

srvctl stop nodeapps -n NODE1 
srvctl stop nodeapps -n NODE2            

srvctl start nodeapps -n NODE1              
srvctl start nodeapps -n NODE2             

srvctl status nodeapps                      
[Check the status of services on all nodes]

Oracle Database Administrator Interview Questions on RAC

Oracle RAC (Voting Disk ) FAQ’s

1.What is Voting Disk?

Voting Disk is a file that maintains node membership details.
All members in the Cluster read and write Heartbeat Information in Voting Disk.

2. What Information is stored in Voting Disk?

Voting disks contain static and dynamic data.
Static data : Info about nodes in the cluster
Dynamic data : Disk heartbeat logging
It maintains and consists of important details about the cluster nodes membership, such as
– which node is part of the cluster,
– which node is joining the cluster, and
– which node is leaving the cluster.

3. Why do we need Voting Disk?

CSSD processes (Cluster Services Synchronization Daemon) monitor the health of  RAC nodes employing two distinct heart 

beats: Network heart beat and Disk heart beat. Healthy nodes will have continuous network and disk heartbeats exchanged 

between the  nodes. Break in heart beat indicates a possible error scenario. There are few different scenarios possible 

with missing heart beats:
1. Network heart beat is successful, but disk heart beat is missed.
2. Disk heart beat is successful, but network heart beat is missed.
3. Both heart beats failed.
In addition, with numerous nodes, there are other possible scenarios too. Few possible scenarios:
1. Nodes have split in to N sets of nodes, communicating within the set, but not with members in other set.
2. Just one node is unhealthy.
Nodes with quorum will maintain active membership of the cluster and other node(s) will be fenced/rebooted.

4.Why do we have odd number of voting disks?

Odd number of Voting disks are required to prevent Split Brain Syndrome.
A node must be able to access more than half of the voting disks in order to decide which node can be evicted incase of 


5. How to backup Voting Disk?

Prior to Oracle 11g R2 version, Voting Disk is backed up using dd command

From 11g R2, no need to manually backup voting disk.
It is automatically backup along with OCR  whenever there is a configuration change.

In 11g R2, Restoring Voting disk from a manually copied backupfile may prevent cluster services from starting up.

What is OCR (Oracle Cluster Registry)?

Oracle Cluster Registry

OCR is the central repository for the Oracle cluster.
OCR has information about Port information,node failures, node reconfiguration,Database Status,Listener Status,Instance status, Network Status in real time.

Default Location of ocr.loc file on linux —  /etc/oracle/ocr.loc

Oracle Clusterware reads ocr.loc to determine the registry information and application resources that need to started up on each cluster node.

The below processes update OCR with realtime information.

1. CRSd updates  OCR with  information about node failure 
2. CSSd updates the OCR when a node is added or deleted
3. NetCA, DBCA, SRVCTL updates  OCR with  services related information

OCR also has information about  Software active version

Software  version can also be found using below command
$ crsctl query crs activeversion

OCR Backup and Restore

OCR is a binary file and cannot be edited manually.By Default, OCR is backed up automatically every 4 hours (from Instance Startup time).
OCR backups are cached across all nodes of a cluster.However,Only Master RAC node can write to OCR.
OCR backups are overwritten automatically. Clusterware maintains last 3 backups of OCR. 

Backup location can be defined using the below command.

$ocrconfig -backuploc <backup location>

It is recommended to use shared location for storing OCR backups.

To view the current OCR backups available, use the below commands

$ocrconfig –showbackup auto 

$ocrconfig –showbackup manual

After any clusterware related changes, OCR backup can be taken manually.

$ocrconfig –manualbackup

If OCR file is Corrupted or lost, CRS Instance may crash.

To restore OCR from Backup,follow the procedure below

1.Using ocrconfig identify the latest OCR backup using command below

$ocrconfig -showbackup
2.Shutdown CRS Services on all RAC nodes
$crsctl stop crs
3.Start CRS on one node in exclusive mode
$crsctl start crs -excl 
Stop crsd , if it is running

$ crsctl stop resource ora.crsd -init

4.Restore the OCR 
$ocrconfig –restore <backuplocation/backupfilename>
5. Verify the integrity of OCR
6. Shutdown  CRS Services on the node where you had started in exclusive mode
$crsctl stop crs 

7.Start CRS on all RAC nodes 
$crsctl start crs
8. Verify the restored OCR 
$cluvfy comp ocr –n all -verbose

How to Perform Clusterware Compatibility Testing in Oracle RAC

+ Compatiblity Testing can be done using Oracle Certification Environment (OCE) kit

Installing the Oracle Certification Environment Software for Oracle RAC

The OCE Certification Kit required to certify the system for Oracle RAC 11g Release 1 (11.1) is available for download only. The Single Instance certification tests should be completed prior to installing the OCE kit for Oracle RAC. Refer to the previous section if necessary. Once Single Instance testing has successfully completed, the single instance OCE installations must be archived to allow OCE installations for Oracle RAC to succeed. The OCE kit for Oracle RAC should be installed separately on each node of the cluster. If the ORACLE_HOME is located on a shared disk, multiple installations of OCE will not be possible. In that case, it will not be possible to run OCE tests simultaneously, and the time required to complete certification will be greatly increased. To install the OCE Kit:

1.      Download OCE for Oracle RAC 11g Release 1 (11.1) archive to a suitable location, such as /tmp/oce. The OCE archives are either CPIO archives, or compressed CPIO archives.
If compressed, extract as follows:
gunzip -c OCE ARCHIVE | cpio -idmv
If not compressed, extract as follows:
cpio -idmv < OCE_ARCHIVE
Where, OCE_ARCHIVE is the name of the archive.
2.      Enter the following command to run the OCE Installer:
3.  $ archive_location/
The Environment variable screen is displayed.
4.      Enter values for each of the environment variables as described on screen.
Note: You must press the Enter key once to enter the new variable value, and then press the Enter key again to move onto the next variable.
5.      Type Done when finished and press the Enter key.
The installation progress screen is displayed. When all stages are complete, the installer will exit.
6.      Check $ORACLE_HOME/OCEinstallRAC.log file, and verify that there are no errors.
7.      Download the Binaries Package for OCE for Oracle RAC 11g Release 1 (11.1) which matches your platform, and extract the archive as explained in Step 1.
8.      Enter the following command to run the OCE binaries installation script.
9.  $ /tmp/oce/
10.  Check the OCE Kit installation log file, $ORACLE_HOME/OCE/install_log.txt, and verify that the installation was successful.
The kit is installed in the $ORACLE_HOME/oce directory.
Preparing the System for Multi-Node High Availability Services Testing
The Oracle RAC High Availability Services test suite must use shared storage for data files. Depending on the type of shared storage utilized, some preliminary setup may be required. Before running the Oracle RAC High Availability Services test suite, complete the following:
  • If you are using raw devices or logical volumes for shared storage perform the following steps:
In this example, the OCE user is oracle, which is a member of the dba group; there are 4 nodes in the cluster; and the OCE logical volumes are located in /dev/ocevg/ directory.
    1. Set up the devices or logical volumesrequired by the tests.
    2. Ensure raw devices are accessible and writable across all nodes by the OCE user
      1. # chown -R oracle:dba /dev/ocevg
      2. # chmod -R og+w /dev/ocevg
    3. Export $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work$ORACLE_HOME/dbs, and $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin from the node 1 to all other nodes in the cluster.
On node 1:
      1. # exportfs -i -o rw <node2>:$ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      1. # exportfs -i -o rw <node2>:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs
    1. # exportfs -i -o rw <node2>:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    1. $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin, and $ORACLE_HOME/dbs must be mounted on all secondary nodes from the primary (exported) node.
On all nodes except node 1:
      1. # mkdir –p $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      2. # chown oracle:dba $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      3. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/oce/work $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      4. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
      5. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
  • If you are using OCFS or NAS or a vendor clustered file system (CFS), and ORACLE_HOME directory is not located on shared partition, then perform the following steps:
If NAS, ensure that the appropriate mount options are employed when mounting the NAS partition. Oracle requires specific mount options. Consult your NAS Filer documentation for further details.
    1. Symbolically link $ORACLE_HOME/dbs to the OCFS/CFS/NAS partition on all nodes (in this example, the OCFS/CFS/NAS partition is at /sharedfs).
On node 1:
    1. mkdir /sharedfs/dbs
    2. chown oracle:dba /sharedfs
On all nodes:
      1. mv $ORACLE_HOME/dbs $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.BAK
      2. ln -s /sharedfs/dbs $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
    1. Export $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work and $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin from the primary node.
      1. # exportfs -i -o rw <node2>:$ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
    1. # exportfs -i -o rw <node2>:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
    1. $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work and $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin must be mounted on all secondary nodes from the primary (exported) node. Default mount options will suffice.
On all nodes except node 1:
      1. # mkdir –p $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      2. # chown oracle:dba $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      3. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/oce/work $ORACLE_HOME/oce/work
      4. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
      5. # mount <node1>:$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
  • If you are using OCFS or CFS accessing a shared Oracle home directory, no setup is required.
  • Ensure that no databases are running.
Starting Test Manager
To start Test Manager:
  1. Ensure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set appropriately for your system. To verify that it is, try starting up xclock. If you do not see the clock, or you receive errors, DISPLAY is not set appropriately. You must correct any errors before proceeding.
  2. Enter the following command to launch OCE Test Manager:
3.  $ORACLE_HOME/oce/bin/ > /tmp/OCETM.log 2>&1
The OCE Main Menu and OCE Test Manager windows appear.
Running a Test for the First Time
If this is your first time running certification tests, you must perform the following steps:
  1. Start Test Manager as described in Starting Test Manager.
  2. From the OCE – Main Menu window, double click Utilities.
  3. Run the bmchk test by selecting it and clicking Execute.
  4. When the test completes, click Results in the Test Manager window to check the outcome. If the test fails, you must analyze the output ($INST_HOME/work/bmchk) and resolve any issues. Do not proceed with testing until bmchk executes successfully.
  5. Run sdbck (the Seed Database Verification utility) test by selecting it and clicking Execute.
  6. When the test completes, click Results in the Test Manager window to check the outcome. If the test fails, you must analyze the output ($INST_HOME/work/sdbck) and resolve any issues. Do not proceed with testing until sdbck executes successfully.
  7. Run cssck (the CSS Daemon Verification utility) test by selecting it and clicking Execute.
  8. When the test completes, click Results in the Test Manager window to check the outcome. If the test fails, you must analyze the output ($INST_HOME/work/cssck) and resolve any issues. Do not proceed with testing until cssck executes successfully.

Running the OCE Test Suites

The OCE release consists of a set of test suites that you run from Test Manager. Each test suite consists of one or more individual tests. To complete the certification, run each of the Test Suites in the kit for the product for which you are certifying your system.

1.      From the OCE – Main Menu screen, double-click Complete test suites.
2.      From the screen that appears, select the test suite you want to run and click Execute to run it.
The test suite runs.
Test Manager creates two entries for the test suite in the Test Manager window; one in the Suite Name field and another in the History field:
o    The entry in the Current Test field is displayed only for the duration of a test. It displays the time at which you requested the test, and if it starts, when it started. Test Manager might display some tests with a status of Waiting until resources become available on the system.
o    The entry in the History field displays the time you requested it.
When a test finishes, Test Manager deletes its entry in the Current Tests field and adds another entry to the History field showing when the test finished.

Below are the Test plans for Oracle Clusterware Compatibility (Destructive) Testing

Clusterware Test Category
[Test Code]
Action  Target
Detailed Test Execution
Expected Test Outcome
Actual Test Outcome
Oracle HA Features
Run multiple cluvfy operations during Oracle Clusterware and RAC install  All RAC hosts
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option   2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          Type `cluvfy` to see all available command syntax and options
1- Run cluvfy precondition
2- Do the next install step
3- Run cluvfy post-condition
(cluvfy comp software –n node_list) to check the file permissions
No need to collect CRS/RDBMS log for this test.  You need to submit the output for cluvfy.
Vendor Clusterware:
– same as RAC
           Correct cluster verification checks given the state of the cluster hardware and software
Pls provide cvu related logs under
Run concurrent crsctl start/stop crs commands to stop or start Oracle Clusterware in planned mode  All RAC hosts
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          Initiate all Workloads
·          Identify both CSS and CRS master nodes
·          Type `crsctl` as root to see all available command syntax and options
1- As root user, run `crsctl stop crs` command concurrently on more than one RAC host, to stop the resident Oracle Clusterware stack
2- Wait until the target Oracle Clusterware stack is fully stopped (via `ps` command)
3- As root user, run `crsctl start crs
    -wait` command concurrently on more than one RAC host, to start the resident Oracle Clusterware stack
Vendor Clusterware:
– N/A
– Stop:  All Oracle Clusterware daemons stop without leaving open ports or zombie processes
– Start:  All Oracle Clusterware daemons start without error messages in stdout or any of the CRS, CSS or EVM traces
– Start:  All registered HA resource states match the “target” states, as per 
“crsctl stat res –t”
– For 12cR1, collect
“crsctl stat res –t” in a 60s loop from beginning till the end of run.  Attach the output for auditing.
Run other concurrent crsctl commands, such as crsctl check crs,   All RAC hosts
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option   2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          Initiate all Workloads
·          Identify both CSS and CRS master nodes
·          Type `crsctl` as root to see all available command syntax and options
1-        As root user, run any `crsctl check crs` commands concurrently on all nodes
2-        As root user, run any `crsctl check cluster -all` commands concurrently on all nodes
Vendor Clusterware:
– same as RAC
           Both `crsctl check crs` and `crsctl check cluster -all` commands produce the appropriate, useful output, without any error messages
           Collect output for step 1 and step 2
Votedisk and OCR operation
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          Make sure votedisk on ASM diskgroup
·          Make sure ASM OCR files are used
·          Make sure at least one normal redundancy ASM Diskgroup with three failgroups is created and its “compatible.asm” attribute is set to “11.2”;
1-        Make sure crs stack are running in all nodes.
2-        Run “crsctl query css votedisk” to check configured VFs;
3-        Run “crsctl replace votedisk +{ASM_DG_NAME}”(As crs user or root user);
4-        Run “crsctl query css votedisk” to get the new VF list;
5-        Run “ocrconfig –add +{ASM_DGNAME}” as root user;
6-        Run “ocrcheck” to verify the OCR files;
7-        Restart CRS stack and then verify the VF/OCR after it comes back;
1. Add up to 5 OCR files and restart CRS stack;
           In 12cR1, we can support up to 5 OCRs;
crsctl command to manage Oracle clusterware stack
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          CRS stack is up and running on all nodes.
1-        Run ‘crsctl check cluster –all’ to get the stack status on all cluster nodes. Make sure stack status of all cluster nodes are correct;
2-        Run ‘crsctl stop cluster –all’ to stop all CRS resource (CSSD/CRSD/EVMD) with application resources;
3-        Run ‘crsctl status cluster –all’ to make sure CRS resource are OFFLINE;
4-        Run ‘crsctl start cluster –all’ to bring back the whole cluster stack
           After running “crsctl stop cluster –all”, make sure all ocssd/evmd/crsd processes are stopped on all cluster nodes by “ps –ef”.
– For 12cR1, collect
“crsctl stat res –t” in a 60s loop from beginning till the end of run.  Attach the output for auditing.
OCR stores in ASM’s diskgroup and kill asm fatal process
Gns with dhcp (1)
Gns without dhcp (2)
Without gns (3)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option   2,  if still not applicable option 3
Flex asm (1)
Standard asm (2)
Preferred option 1, if not applicable option 2
·          Initiate Workloads
·          Make sure only ASM OCR files   are used by “ocrcheck –config”;
·          Kill the ASM pmon process on   the CRSD PE Master node;
   Repeat the same test on non-OCR Master node.
– Because OCR is stored in ASM, if ASM fails or is brought down on crsd pe master, CRSD pe master will exit and  select a new crsd pe master
– ASM, CRSD will be automatically restarted.
-RDBMS instance should connect to other available asm instance in flex asm env 
– After CRSD restart, all resources’ state shouldn’t change
– New crsd pe master node should be the old crsd pe standby master A new crsd pe standby master should be   elected on other nodes.
(CRSD should recover resources’ previous state)
– For 12cR1, collect
“crsctl stat res –t” in a 60s loop from beginning till the end of run.  Attach the output for auditing.
Collect Logfiles
Run each destructive test, taking note of the test start time, test stop time and fault injection time.  On the surviving node (if applicable), run the “date; crsctl stat res –t; sleep 60” in a loop
At the end of the test run, please collect the following logs and put them in directory <CRSHome>/log with the name format as [log_name]_[hostname] and then tar up and compress  with file name <VendorName>_<TestCode>.tar.gz.(e.g. WidgetCorp_HW-STOR-07.tar.gz):
·         Under <CRSHome>/log/<hostname>, the following logs are required
o   alert[hostname].log
o   crsd/crsd.log
o   cssd/ocssd.log
o   evmd/evmd.log
o   ohasd/ohasd.log
o   gpnpd/gpnpd.log
o   diskmon/diskmon.log
o   mdnsd/mdnsd.log
o   ctssd/ctssd.log
o   agent/*
o   gipcd/gipcd.log  ( new feature)
o   cvu/cvulog/*.log ( new feature)
o   cvu/cvutrc/*     ( new feature)
o   srvm/*
o   admin/*
o   acfs/*
o   crfmond/*
o   crflogd/*
o   racg/*
o   gnsd/* (if gns configured)

Clusterware Compatibility (Destructive) Testing

Destructive tests include forced failures by software and
hardware while the system is running with either minimal or high workload.
Oracle software – one or more of Oracle background processes is killed manually.
OS software – one or more of the cluster daemons is killed manually or the
system is forced to reboot. Hardware: Manual removal of network or disk
connectivity or power supply.
There are two major categories of cluster compatibility
 Clusterware (Destructive):
Starting with Oracle Database 10g, the certification and
validation process has been enhanced to include hardware destructive tests
executed under high system load.
   Cluster File System:
  Starting with Oracle
Database 11g, the certification and validation process has been further
enhanced to include a set of destructive and high availability tests, designed
to verify the use of cluster file system to support the various Oracle
Clusterware and Real Application Clusters components.

11g RAC Performance Analysis

Monitoring Performance by Analyzing GCS and GES Statistics

In order to determine the amount of work and cost related to inter-instance messaging and contention, examine block transfer rates, remote requests made by each transaction, the number and time waited for global cache events as described under the following headings:

Analyzing Cache Fusion Impact in Real Application Clusters
Analyzing Performance Using GCS and GES Statistics
Analyzing Cache Fusion Impact in Real Application Clusters
The effect of accessing blocks in the global cache and maintaining coherency is represented by
The Global Cache Service statistics for current and cr blocks, for example, gc current blocks received, gc cr blocks received, and so on)
The Global Cache Service wait events, for gc current block 3-way, gc cr grant 2-way, and so on.
The response time for cache fusion transfers is determined by the messaging and processing times imposed by the physical interconnect components, the IPC protocol and the GCS protocol. It is not affected by disk I/O factors other than occasional log writes. The cache fusion protocol does not require I/O to data files in order to guarantee cache coherency and RAC inherently does not cause any more I/O to disk than a non-clustered instance.

Analyzing Performance Using GCS and GES Statistics

Monitor Global Cache Service performance by identifying data blocks and objects which are frequently used (“hot”) by all instances. High concurrency on certain blocks may be identified by Global Cache Service wait events and times.

The following wait events indicate that the access to cached data blocks was held up because they were busy either in the remote or the local cache, respectively:
gc current block busy
gc current block 2-way busy
gc current block 3-way busy
gc cr block 2-way busy
gc cr block 3-way busy
This means that the blocks were pinned or held up by sessions or delayed by a log write on a remote instance (for example, gc current, cr 2-way busy, or cr 3-way busy), or that a session on the same instance is already accessing a block which is in transition between instances and the current session needs to wait behind it (for example, gc current block busy).
The V$SESSION_WAIT view to identify objects and data blocks with contention. The gc wait events contain the file and block number for a block request in p1 and p2, respectively.
An additional segment statistic, gc buffer busy, has been added to quickly determine the “busy” objects without recourse to the query on V$SESSION_WAIT mentioned earlier.
The AWR infrastructure provides a view of active session history which can also be used to trace recent wait events and their arguments. It is therefore useful for hot block analysis.
Most of the reporting facilities used by AWR and Statspack contain the object statistics and cluster wait class category, so that sampling of the views mentioned earlier is largely unnecessary.
It is advisable to run ADDM on the snapshot data collected by the AWR infrastructure to obtain an overall evaluation of the impact of the global cache. The advisory will also identify the busy objects and SQL highest cluster wait time.

Analyzing Cache Fusion Transfer Impact Using GCS Statistics

Monitor Global Cache Service performance by identifying objects read and modified frequently and the service times imposed by the remote access. Waiting for blocks to arrive may constitute a significant portion of the response time, in the same way that reading from disk could increase the block access delays, only that cache fusion transfers in most cases are faster than disk access latencies.
The following wait events indicate that the remotely cached blocks were shipped to the local instance without having been busy, pinned or requiring a log flush:
gc current block 2-way
gc current block 3-way
gc cr block 2-way
gc cr block 3-way
The object statistics for gc current blocks received and gc cr blocks received enable quick identification of the indexes and tables which are shared by the active instances. As mentioned earlier, creating an ADDM analysis will, in most cases, point you to the SQL statements and database objects that could be impacted by inter-instance contention.
You must run Statspack at level 7 to collect statistics related to block contention and segment block waits.
Any increases in the average wait times for the events mentioned earlier could be caused by the following:
High load: CPU shortages, long run queues, scheduling delays
Misconfiguration: using public instead of private interconnect for message and block traffic
If the average wait times are acceptable and no interconnect or load issues can be diagnosed, then the accumulated time waited can usually be attributed to a few SQL statements which need to be tuned to minimize the number of blocks accessed.
The column CLUSTER_WAIT_TIME in V$SQLAREA represents the wait time incurred by individual SQL statements for global cache events and will identify the SQL which may need to be tuned.

Analyzing Response Times Based on Wait Events

Most global cache wait events that show a high total time as reported in the AWR and Statspack reports or in the dynamic performance views are normal and may present themselves as the top database time consumers without actually indicating a problem. This section describes the most important and frequent wait events that you should be aware of when interpreting performance data.
If user response times increases and a high proportion of time waited is for global cache (gc), then the cause should be determined. Most reports include a breakdown of events sorted by percentage of the total time.
It is useful to start with an ADDM report, which would analyze the routinely collected performance statistics with respect to their impact and point to the objects and SQL contributing most to the time waited, and then move on to the more detailed reports produced by AWR and Statspack.
The most important wait events for RAC include various categories, such as:
gc current block 2-way
gc current block 3-way
gc cr block 2-way
gc cr block 3-way
gc current grant 2-way
gc cr grant 2-way
gc current block busy
gc cr block busy
gc current buffer busy
gc current block congested
gc cr block congested
The block-oriented wait event statistics indicate that a block was received as either the result of a 2-way or a 3-way message, that is, the block was sent from either the resource master requiring 1 message and 1 transfer, or was forwarded to a third node from which it was sent, requiring 2 messages and 1 block transfer.

These events are usually the most frequent in the absence of block contention and the length of the wait is determined by the time it takes on the physical network, the time to process the request in the serving instances and the time it takes for the requesting process to wake up after the block arrives.
The average wait time and the total wait time should be considered when being alerted to performance issues where these particular waits have a high impact. Usually, either interconnect or load issues or SQL execution against a large shared working set can be found to be the root cause.
The message-oriented wait event statistics indicate that no block was received because it was not cached in any instance. Instead a global grant was given, allowing the requesting instance to read the block from disk or modify it.

If the time consumed by these events is high, then it may be assumed that the frequently executed SQL causes a lot of disk I/O (in the event of the cr grant) or that the workload inserts a lot of data and needs to find and format new blocks frequently (in the event of the current grant).
The contention-oriented wait event statistics indicate that a block was received which was pinned by a session on another node, was deferred because a change had not yet been flushed to disk or because of high concurrency, and therefore could not be shipped immediately. A buffer may also be busy locally when a session has already initiated a cache fusion operation and is waiting for its completion when another session on the same node is trying to read or modify the same data. High service times for blocks exchanged in the global cache may exacerbate the contention, which can be caused by frequent concurrent read and write accesses to the same data.
The load-oriented wait events indicate that a delay in processing has occurred in the GCS, which is usually caused by high load, CPU saturation and would have to be solved by additional CPUs, load-balancing, offloading processing to different times or a new cluster node.For the events mentioned, the wait time encompasses the entire round trip from the time a session starts to wait after initiating a block request until the block arrives.