ORA-32771: Cannot Add File To Bigfile Tablespace

When trying to add a datafile to a tablespace , got the error – ORA-32771: cannot add file to bigfile tablespace.

SQL> ALTER TABLESPACE BIG_TBSP1 add datafile ‘+DATA/df01.dbf’ size 130G;
ALTER TABLESPACE BIG_TBSP1 add datafile ‘+DATA/df01.dbf’ size 130G;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-32771: cannot add file to bigfile tablespace


A bigfile tablespace can contain only one datafile and no other datafile can be added to that.

SQL> select BIGFILE from dba_tablespaces where tablespace_name=’BIG_TBSP1’;

———————– —

How to increase space in Bigfile Tablespace?

BIGFILE tablespace stores its data in a single datafile with a much larger capacity.

We can resize the size of the datafile in BIGFILE tablespace using ALTER DATABASE Command


Since BIGFILE Tablespace has only one datafile, there is no need to identify the datafile and increase its size.
We can use ALTER TABLESPACE command to resize at the tablespace level.


What is the difference between Switchover and Failover in Oracle Dataguard?

A switchover means just switching roles between the primary database and standby db.
nswitchover, the primary database chnaged to a standby role, and the standby database changed to the primary role.
This is typically done for planned maintenance of the primary db server.

A failover is when the primary database fails and one of the standby databases is 
transitioned to take over the primary role. Failover is performed only in the event 
of a catastrophic failure of the primary database, and there is no possibility of 
recovering the primary database in a timely manner. Failover may or may not result 
in data loss depending on the protection mode in effect at the time of the failover.

How to mirror database Privileges of a Oracle database user to another database user?

Script for Mirroring Privileges of a user:

Scenario: A Database schema named “TEST2” is created and business wants to grant the privileges for the user same as already existing Database user “TEST1”.

Run the below queries as SYS or any Privileged user to get the DDL commands in Oracle for TEST1 user.




 The output will be a sequence of grant commands related to privileges assigned to TEST1 user. Now replace the string TEST1 with new user name “TEST2” and run the commands.

 This will grant all privileges same as TEST1 user to TEST2 user in Oracle Database.

Change Oracle Database to ArchiveLog Mode

Steps to change the database to Archivelog Mode:

1. Login to the database server. Connect to sqlplus as sysdba

$sqlplus / as sysdba

2. Shutdown the database

SQL> shutdown immediate

3. Take a full database Backup (Cold Backup in this case)

4. Startup the database in mount stage

SQL> startup mount

5. Enable Archivelog mode

SQL> alter database archivelog;

6. Open the Database.

SQL> Alter database open;

7. Verify the changes.

SQL> archive log list;

Enable ArchiveLog Mode on Oracle RAC database fails with ORA-00265

On a test RAC environment, while archiving is being enabled, “ALTER DATABASE ARCHIVELOG” command errored with ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode

Below are the steps performed to enable Archivelog mode on a 3-node RAC database environment.

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $
test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl stop database -d TEST101

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is not running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is not running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is not running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $

test0115:TEST1011 $ srvctl start database -d TEST101 -o mount
test0115:TEST1011 $  srvctl status database -d TEST101
Instance TEST1011 is running on node test0115
Instance TEST1012 is running on node test0116
Instance TEST1013 is running on node test0117
test0115:TEST1011 $

test0115:TEST1011 $ sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release Production on Sat May 9 14:13:54 2020

Copyright (c) 1982, 2013, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release – 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, Real Application Clusters and Automatic Storage Management options

SQL> select name,open_mode from gv$database;

——— ——————–

SQL>SQL> alter database archivelog;
alter database archivelog
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00265: instance recovery required, cannot set ARCHIVELOG mode


1. Shutdown the database cleanly

SQL> shutdown immediate (on 3 RAC nodes)

2. Startup the database in mount stage

SQL> startup mount

3. Enable Archivelog mode

SQL> Alter database archivelog;

Database altered.

4. Open the database

SQL> Alter database open.

5. Verify archielog mode is enabled.


Impdp fails with error ORA-31604

When tried to Import a table from one Oracle database to another using IMPDP utility,encountered the error ORA-31604: invalid transform NAME parameter “MODIFY” for object type PROCACT_INSTANCE in function ADD_TRANSFORM
Impdp logfile has the below error:
Starting “<LOGIN_SCHEMA>”.”SYS_IMPORT_FULL_10″:  <LOGIN>/******** parfile=<PARFILE_NAME>.par logfile=<LOG_NAME>.log dumpfile=<DUMPFILE_NAME>.dmp parallel=1
ORA-39126: Worker unexpected fatal error in KUPW$WORKER.LOAD_MD_TRANSFORMS []
ORA-31604: invalid transform NAME parameter “MODIFY” for object type PROCACT_INSTANCE in function ADD_TRANSFORM
ORA-06512: at “SYS.DBMS_SYS_ERROR”, line 86
ORA-06512: at “SYS.KUPW$WORKER”, line 8996
Cause: This is a bug in Oracle Database versio 11g, fixed in Oracle Database version 12c
As a workaround, implement any of the below solutions:
1. Use an additional parameter that is exclude=PROCACT_INSTANCE during impdp
2. Redo the export with exclude=PROCACT_INSTANCE and perform import using new dumpfiles.
The use of the exclude=PROCACT_SYSTEM will exclude the resource manager objects such as resource plans and groups. We need to re-create resource plans and groups after impdp is successfully completed.

How to check if MRP Process is Running

Below Query is Used to verify if MRP process is running fine on Standby Database, after any maintenance activity that requires disconnect to Primary and Standby database.
Below is the sample output from the query:
——– ——— ———- ———- ————
ARCH     ARCH               2     101072 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               0          0 CONNECTED
ARCH     ARCH               1     298101 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               2     103073 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               3      95398 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               1     296100 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               3      95399 CLOSING
ARCH     ARCH               3      95400 CLOSING
ARCH     RFS                0          0 IDLE
ARCH     RFS                0          0 IDLE
ARCH     RFS                0          0 IDLE
LGWR     RFS                2     101074 IDLE
LGWR     RFS                1     296102 RECEIVING
UNKNOWN  RFS                0          0 IDLE
UNKNOWN  RFS                0          0 IDLE
LGWR     RFS                3      95401 IDLE
UNKNOWN  RFS                0          0 IDLE
17 rows selected.

Convert Physical database into a Snapshot Standby Database

What are the benefits of Snapshot standby database?
Snapshot Standby Database is introduced from Oracle 11gR1. A Snapshot Standby database is a physical standby that is temporarily disconnected from Data Guard configuration, and started in READ-WRITE mode.It functions as a updateable Stand-alone Database, which is an exact Replica of Primary Database which is normally used for testing purpose. We can revert the Snapshot standby database to Physical Standby database after the testing is completed.
Steps to convert Physical database into a Snapshot Standby Database:
1. First step to convert to Snapshot standby database is to enable FLASHBACK feature on the Physical Standby, if not already enabled.
Ensure there is sufficient space available in Flash Recovery Area (FRA) for Flashback Logs.
2. Stop redo apply on the physical standby database:
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
3. Turn on flashback logging:
SQL>alter database flashback on;
4. Convert the standby database into a snapshot standby database:
( For RAC Configurations: Shutdown all other instances except one, which is used as Snapshot standby database)
SQL>alter database convert to snapshot standby;
5.Shut down the snapshot standby database and startup the database (it will be opened for read/write access):
SQL>shutdown immediate;
After the Snapshot mode is enabled on the database, perform the required testing and revert back to Physical Standby mode after the testing is complete.
Steps to Revert the Physical Standby Database Back to its Original State
1. Change the standby database back into its standby mode (from snapshot mode) as follows:
SQL>startup mount force;
SQL>alter database convert to physical standby;
SQL>shutdown immediate;
SQL>startup nomount;
SQL>alter database mount standby database;
2. Enable redo log apply.
SQL>alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;
3.On the primary database, issue the following statement to re-enable archiving to the physical standby database:
SQL>alter system set log_archive_dest_state_2=enable scope=both;