While Troubleshooting workflow relates issues in EBS, we may need to clear PROCESS and DISCARD folders under workflow user.
The below commands are useful to move folders, connecting to imap

a)Shutdown Workflow Components
b) login to imap host(e.g as applmgr user

  $ telnet 143
    You will get below messages:


Trying **.**.***.**

Connected to (**.**.***.**).

Escape character is ‘^]’.

* OK Dovecot ready.

  i login wfmgr *****

  i rename PROCESS process_<sys_date>

 i rename DISCARD discard_<sys_date>

 i create PROCESS

i create DISCARD

i subscribe PROCESS

 i subscribe DISCARD

 i unsubscribe process_<sys_date>

 i unsubscribe discard_<sys_date>


c) Startup Workflow Components

How to Check Patch Applied Status in Oracle Applications?


From Oracle Applications Release 11i to 12.1.x, Patch application Status can be queried from ad_bugs or ad_applied_patches tables

Query to check whether patch is applied on a instance.

SQL>select bug_number,creation_date,last_update_date from apps.ad_bugs where bug_number=’&patchnum’;

SQL> select PATCH_NAME,CREATION_DATE from apps.ad_applied_patches where PATCH_NAME=’&patchnum’;

What is difference between above two Queries?

Suppose, we applied a patch which has multiple bugfixes.The details of all bugs fixed by the patch are listed in ad_bugs table.
In Contrast,ad_applied_patches table give info only about the patches which are applied through adpatch utility.


From Release 12.2, Online Patching utility(adop) is used for Patching application Filesystem.

Querying the data from ad_bugs or ad_applied_patches tables may not give correct information.Because, online patching can be aborted anytime prior to Cutover Phase.
ad_bugs or ad_applied_patches tables may contain entries for patches which are started through adop and later aborted.

The below query gives accurate Information about Patch Applied Status in R12.2

select AD_PATCH.IS_PATCH_APPLIED(‘$release’,’$appltop_id’,’$patch_no’,’$language’) from dual;

example sql:
SELECT adb.bug_number,ad_patch.is_patch_applied(’11i’, 1045, adb.bug_number)
FROM ad_bugs adb
WHERE adb.bug_number in (22498647);

or for single app tier installations:
select ad_patch.is_patch_applied(‘R12’,-1,22498647) from dual;

Sample Output:

EXPLICIT = applied
NOT APPLIED = not applied / aborted


Login to Database node as the database os user

Set environment using commands below

$export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/112

$export PATH=$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/Opatch

$which opatch
==>It should give output like /u01/app/oracle/product/112/Opatch

$opatch lsinventory -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc

== This gives list of all patches applied to the ORACLE_HOME

$opatch lsinventory -invPtrLoc $ORACLE_HOME/oraInst.loc|grep 988765

==> To check if a particular patch is applied to the ORACLE_HOME

Script to Check History of a concurrent Program

Sometimes, While troubleshooting Performance issues related to Concurrent Requests, we need to know the duration for request completion in the past. The script below gives the start time,end time and arguments for a given Concurrent Program


set pagesize 2000
set linesize 120
set wrap off
column user_concurrent_program_name format a45 noprint
column argument_text format a45 print
column user_name format a15
column start_time format a15
column end_time format a15
column comp_time format 9999.99

select request_id,
       to_char(actual_start_date,’DD/MON HH24:MI:SS’) START_TIME,
       (actual_completion_date-actual_start_date)*24*60 comp_time, argument_text,user_name, status_code, phase_code
from apps.fnd_concurrent_requests, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl,apps.fnd_user
where fnd_concurrent_requests.concurrent_program_id = fnd_concurrent_programs_tl.concurrent_program_id
and user_concurrent_program_name like ‘%&%’
and fnd_concurrent_programs_tl.language=’US’
and requested_by=user_id
and actual_start_date >(sysdate-1)
order by actual_start_date desc,ACTUAL_COMPLETION_DATE desc;


How to Put Concurrent Requests in Hold Status?

During some scheduled maintenance activities, oracle apps database administrator would require to keep the Pending Jobs on Hold before bounce and release them after the scheduled activity.
This process help to bring down Concurrent Manager quickly and the pending jobs are preserved for running after the maintenance is complete.

1) Create table apps.conc_req_on_hold as select * from fnd_Concurrent_requests where PHASE_CODE=’P’ and hold_flag=’N’;
2) select count(*) from apps.conc_req_on_hold
3) update fnd_Concurrent_requests set hold_flag=’Y’ where PHASE_CODE=’P’ and hold_flag=’N’ and request_id in (select request_id from apps.conc_req_on_hold);

NOTE: You have to commit if select & update are same number of records. Otherwise rollback and try again till the numbers are same

4) Commit;

To Release hold on Concurrent Requests patching, run the below sql :

5) update fnd_Concurrent_requests set hold_flag=’N’ where request_id in (select request_id from apps.conc_req_on_hold);

6)Commit the changes


Autoconfig Error during SETUP Phase (Oracle Applications DBA 11i)

Autoconfig failed during setup phase:

While running the script

Unable to update GUEST_USER_PWD in database to GUEST/ORACLE1 –
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 323:
PLS-00201: identifier ‘FND_VAULT.PUT’ must be declared
ORA-06550: line 1, column 323:
PL/SQL: Statement ignored

Cause 115.32 calls fnd_app_server_pkg.update_server passing 5 parameters.
The versions of FND_APP_SERVER_PKG (AFSCASRS.pls/AFSCASRB.pls) accepts 5 parameters.

These version used in the database is older than the version at OS filesystem level.


1. Run following SQL query :

select text
from all_source
where name =’FND_APP_SERVER_PKG’ and line < 7;

2. If the versions in the database are older than the ones at the OS level, go to the

$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql directory and recreate the spec/body by running :

– sqlplus apps/<passwd> @AFSCASRS.pls

– sqlplus apps/<passwd> @AFSCASRB.pls

3. Rerun Autoconfig.