Database Links in Oracle

A database link is a schema object in one database that enables you to access objects on another database.

SQL> desc dba_db_links
 Nombre                                                                                     ¨Nulo?   Tipo
 —————————————————————————————— ——– ————————————————————-
 OWNER                                                                                      NOT NULL VARCHAR2(30)
 DB_LINK                                                                                    NOT NULL VARCHAR2(128)
 USERNAME                                                                                            VARCHAR2(30)
 HOST                                                                                                VARCHAR2(2000)
 CREATED                                                                                    NOT NULL DATE

Use the below query to find the db links available for a database:

set lines 152
col owner for a15
col db_link for a30
col username for a15
col host for a30

select owner,db_link,username,host,CREATED
from dba_db_links;

spool db_link_test.sql

select ‘select count(*) from tab@’||db_link||’;’
from dba_db_links;

spool off

spool db_link_output.log


spool off


How to Test if a DB link is working fine?

select ‘ connect ‘||owner||’/’||owner||’1’||chr(10)||
‘select count(*) from tab@’||db_link||’;’
from dba_db_links;

select distinct owner
from dba_db_links;

Query to Find Free Space in a Tablespace

undefine tbsp
set lines 152
set echo off

col tablespace_name for a20
select utbs.tablespace_name,
round(utbs.mb) “Allocated Used/Unused MB”,
round(Ftbs.mb) “Allocated_Free MB”,
round((100/utbs.mb)*Ftbs.mb) “%Allocated_Free MB”,
decode(sign(round(utbs.Maxmb-utbs.mb)),-1,0,round(utbs.Maxmb-utbs.mb)) “Space_AutoExtensible MB”,
Ftbs.MaxBytes “MaxChunk MB”
(select ddf.tablespace_name,sum(ddf.bytes)/1048576 MB,sum(ddf.maxbytes)/1048576 MaxMB
from dba_data_files ddf
group by ddf.tablespace_name) Utbs,
(select dfs.tablespace_name,sum(dfs.bytes)/1048576 MB,max(dfs.bytes)/1048576 MaxBytes
from dba_free_space dfs
group by dfs.tablespace_name) Ftbs
where utbs.tablespace_name=ftbs.tablespace_name
and utbs.tablespace_name like ‘%&&TBSP%’
order by round(Ftbs.mb)