Oracle Applications R12.2.5 New Features: dualfs in cloning

From Oracle Applications Release 12.2.5 Version, we have dualfs option for cloning applications tier.We can use this feature in earlier 12.2.x versions also, if AD-TXK Delta 7 patch is applied.Before AD-TXK Delta 7, it was required to run adcfgclone twice on run and patch filesystems.Using dualfs option,we can create both run and patch fs at one time.

-bash$ perl appsTier dualfs

                     Copyright (c) 2002, 2015 Oracle Corporation
                        Redwood Shores, California, USA

                        Oracle E-Business Suite Rapid Clone

                                 Version 12.2

                      adcfgclone Version 120.63.12020000.56

Enter the APPS password :

Enter the Weblogic AdminServer password :

Do you want to add a node (yes/no) [no] :

Running: Context clone…

Log file located at /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_1023194859.log

Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.

Target System Hostname (virtual or normal) [appsmt] :

Target System Database SID : VISN

Target System Database Server Node [r12erpt] : appsdb

Target System Database Domain Name [] :

Target System Base Directory : /u01/VISN

Target System Base Directory set to /u01/VISN

Target System Current File System Base set to /u01/VISN/fs1

Target System Other File System Base set to /u01/VISN/fs2

Target System Fusion Middleware Home set to /u01/VISN/fs1/FMW_Home
Target System Other File System Fusion Middleware Home set to /u01/VISN/fs2/FMW_Home

Target System Web Oracle Home set to /u01/VISN/fs1/FMW_Home/webtier
Target System Other File System Web Oracle Home set to /u01/VISN/fs2/FMW_Home/webtier

Target System Appl TOP set to /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/appl
Target System Other File System Appl TOP set to /u01/VISN/fs2/EBSapps/appl

Target System COMMON TOP set to /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn
Target System Other File System COMMON TOP set to /u01/VISN/fs2/EBSapps/comn

Target System Instance Home Directory [V] : /u01/VISN

Target System Current File System Instance Top set to /u01/VISN/fs1/inst/apps/VISN_appsmt

Do you want to preserve the Display [appsmt:0.0] (y/n)  : n

Target System Display [r12erpt:0.0] : appsmt:3.0

Target System Root Service [enabled] :

Target System Web Entry Point Services [enabled] :

Target System Web Application Services [enabled] :

Target System Batch Processing Services [enabled] :

Target System Other Services [disabled] :

Do you want the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n) [y] ? : n

Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 88

Checking the port pool 88
done: Port Pool 88 is free
Report file located at /u01/VISN/fs1/inst/apps/VISN_appsmt/admin/out/portpool.lst

UTL_FILE_DIR on database tier consists of the following directories.

1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] : 3
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Check Clone Context logfile /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContext_1023194859.log for details.

Creating Patch file system context file…..

Log file located at /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContextPatch_1023194973.log

Target System Other File System Instance Top set to /u01/VISN/fs2/inst/apps/VISN_appsmt

Target System Port Pool [0-99] : 89

Checking the port pool 89
done: Port Pool 89 is free
Report file located at /u01/VISN/fs2/inst/apps/VISN_appsmt/admin/out/portpool.lst
The new APPL_TOP context file has been created :
Check Clone Context logfile /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/bin/CloneContextPatch_********.log for details.

FMW Pre-requisite check log file location : /u01/VISN/fs1/EBSapps/comn/clone/FMW/logs/prereqcheck.log
Running: FMW pre-req check…

Configuring: Run file system….
LogFile located at /u01/VISN/fs1/inst/apps/VISN_appsmt/admin/log/clone/run/RCloneApplyAppstier_*******.log

8 thoughts on “Oracle Applications R12.2.5 New Features: dualfs in cloning”

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