ADOP Useful Options :skipsyncerror

There are Various options available with Oracle Applications Online Patching Utility (ADOP). Here , we will see the benefits of skipsyncerror option.


Your Previous  adop session failed while applying patches and you did not find any solution to fix the errors, Oracle Support Provided a new patch to fix the issue. You will get errors while synchronization and need to ignore those errors.

Usage: adop phase=prepare skipsyncerror=yes

skipsyncerror Details

This option is used along with prepare phase.


This feature enables the user to specify that any synchronization errors in the prepare phase are expected to be fixed automatically in the synchronization that takes place with subsequent patches.

Values: yes/no

Default value is ‘no’. Set the value to ‘yes’ in order to work around synchronization failures that may occur when patches that failed to apply correctly in a previous patching cycle are synchronized during the prepare phase.

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