Oracle EBS 12.2.X Login fails with “Unable to create anonymous session. ICX_SESSION_CREATION_FAILED”


In a 12.2.6 EBS environment, Login fails with below error

Unable to create anonymous session. ICX_SESSION_CREATION_FAILED (userid=6) exception oracle.apps.fnd.common.PoolException: Exception creating new Poolable object. Encountered a java exception with the message Exception creating new Poolable object. Cause:java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.sql.SQLException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException.


The error indicates that there are not enough resources to create a new JDBC session. oacore_server.log has the below error messages

####<Aug 08, 2017 3:43:05 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <> <oacore_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: ‘5’ for queue: ‘weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)’> <<anonymous>> <> <005dy^V9G5e9xW6RJMU4TB0000xv001lSB> <1591994585553> <BEA-000627> <Reached maximum capacity of pool “EBSDataSource”, making “0” new resource instances instead of “1”.>
####<Aug 08, 2017 3:43:07 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <> <oacore_server1> <pool-2-thread-1> <<anonymous>> <> <*******************> <887561> <BEA-000627> <Reached maximum capacity of pool “EBSDataSource”, making “0” new resource instances instead of “1”.>
####<Aug 08, 2017 3:43:15 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <> <oacore_server1> <[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: ‘5’ for queue: ‘weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)’> <<anonymous>> <> <005dy^V9G5e9xW6RJMU4TB0000xv001lSB> <1591994595562> <BEA-000627> <Reached maximum capacity of pool “EBSDataSource”, making “0” new resource instances instead of “1”.>
####<Aug 08, 2017 3:43:15 PM EST> <Info> <Common> <> <oacore_server1> <pool-2-thread-1> <<anonymous>> <> <*******************> <955123> <BEA-000627> <Reached maximum capacity of pool “EBSDataSource”, making “0” new resource instances instead of “1”.>

Number of processes capacity for the Datasource “EBSDatasource” is exhausted.


1. Increase the number of sessions in EBSDatasource

Login to weblogic Console, Navigate to Datasource, click on EBSDatasource.

Click on Lock and Edit, Go to Connection Pool Tab, Increase the value in Number of sessions field.

Click on Activate Changes.

This change does not require any restart of services.


Alternate Solution:

2. Bounce oacore_server to release any inactive sessions and free up the resources

cd $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME stop oacore_server start oacore_server

Query to check installed modules in Oracle EBS

The below query query gives the list of Installed/Not Installed/Shared Product Modules in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) application

set pages 20000;
col application_id for 9999;
col application_name for A50;
col status for A1;
col application_short_name for A10;
select fa.application_id,
fnd_product_installations fpi,
fnd_application fa,
fnd_application_tl fatl
fa.application_id = fpi.application_id and
fa.application_id = fatl.application_id and
fatl.language = ‘US’
order by fa.application_short_name;

Check for values in Status column of the output, usually either I or N or S.

I – Installed
S – Shared
N – Not Licensed

Query to check AD and TXK Code level in a Oracle E-Business Suite environment

While preparing patch analysis on EBS environments, some times we find in README file that AD/ TXK level should be at a certain code level to apply the patch.We can use the below query to check AD and TXK Code level.

select  ABBREVIATION, NAME, codelevel FROM AD_TRACKABLE_ENTITIES where abbreviation in (‘txk’,’ad’);

Sample Output

$sqlplus apps

SQL>  select  ABBREVIATION, NAME, codelevel FROM AD_TRACKABLE_ENTITIES where abbreviation in (‘txk’,’ad’);

ABBREVIATION                   NAME                                     CODELEVEL
—————————— —————————————- ———-
ad                             Applications DBA                                     C.11
txk                            Oracle Applications Technology Stack     C.11

Connecting to a Database from SQLDeveloper fails with IO Error: The Network Adapter Could Not Establish The Connection

Issue: New Users were trying to access a 3-node RAC Oracle Database system using SQLDeveloper

Below is the connection string provided to user for Oracle Database Connection. RAC Virtual IP is provided to connect to Database.


User tried to connect using one of the VIP and got the below error in SQLDeveloper.
Status : Failure -Test failed: IO Error: The Network Adapter Could Not Establish The Connection.


Verified the Oracle Database Services and Listener Services are running fine.
Other Users were able to connect to SQLDeveloper using the same Connection String.


User does not have network communication open to port 1521 on Oracle RAC Virtual IP.


telnet 1521
telnet 1521
telnet 1521

Ping to VIP address works fine but Telnet to port 1521 on the VIP address is giving “Connect Failed” Error.

When Network communication is opened on port 1521 on all the Oracle RAC Virtual IP servers/Addresses, User can connect to Oracle Database using SQLDeveloper.

Troubleshooting concurrent requests struck at Post processing Phase

Sometimes , Eventhough the Database sessions related to the concurrent Programs are in INACTIVE State , we could not terminate the Concurrent Request with error “Could not Lock Request” , Issue could be Requests are struck at Post Processing Phase and OutPut Post Processor is locking the Concurrent Requests.

Need to follow the below steps to perform clean shutdown of Oracle Concurrent Manager.

a) Put Pending Concurrent Requests on hold using the below sql queries.

+Create table apps.conc_req_on_hold as select * from fnd_Concurrent_requests where PHASE_CODE=’P’ and hold_flag=’N’;
+select count(*) from apps.conc_req_on_hold
+ update fnd_Concurrent_requests set hold_flag=’Y’ where PHASE_CODE=’P’ and hold_flag=’N’ and request_id in (select request_id from apps.conc_req_on_hold);

NOTE: You have to commit if select & update are same number of records. Otherwise rollback and try again till the numbers are same

+ Commit;

You can find more details about putting Pending Concurrent Jobs on Hold here.

b)Bring Down Concurrent Manager using stop

c) Update the status of Struck Concurrent Requests to “Terminated” 

SQL> update fnd_concurrent_requests set status_code=’X’,phase_code=’C’ where status_code=’R’ and phase_code=’R’;


Use Concurrent Manager Recovery Wizard from OAM to clear the database sessions associated with cancelled Requests.

d) Start Concurrent Manager using

e) Remove Hold on Concurrent Requests

SQL>update fnd_Concurrent_requests set hold_flag=’N’ where request_id in (select request_id from apps.conc_req_on_hold);

Commit the changes


Steps to create Database link from Oracle Database to Microsoft SQLServer Database:

Steps to create Database link from Oracle Database to Microsoft SQLServer Database:


1. Check Network communication is Opened from Oracle Database Server to MSSQL Database Server using telnet
2. Download the Oracle Gateway Server Software same as your Oracle Database version.

Installation of Oracle Gateway Software

Hope you have downloaded the Dg4msql software for sql server 

1> Create a directory as gateway under $ORACLE_BASE directory. 

2) Invoke the GUI , Select Oracle Gateway for MYSQL and enter the sql server details at the time of installation 

3) Before completing the installation, OUI invokes the NETCA and create a new listener for gateway with new port (ex:1526) 

Note; In case if you have defined any bash profile for TNS_ADMIN, then please comment it 

4. Follow the below note for pre-req for gateway listener 

How to Configure DG4MSQL (Oracle Database Gateway for MS SQL Server) 64bit Unix OS (Linux, Solaris, AIX,HP-UX) post install ( Doc ID 562509.1 ) 

edit your gateway listener as recommended in the above note. 

5. create a tnsentry in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin 

6. export TNS_ADMIN=$gateway home/network/admin 

lsnrctl stop <gateway listener> 

lsnrctl start <gateway listener> 

tnsping <gateway alias> 

conn / as sysdba 

create public database link <test> connect to “<sql server user>” identified by “<password>” using ‘<tnsnames.ora>’ 

select * from dual@test; 

Script to check free space and used space in Oracle Database tablespaces

select a.tablespace_name,
       a.bytes_alloc/(1024*1024) “TOTAL ALLOC (MB)”,
 a.physical_bytes/(1024*1024) “TOTAL PHYS ALLOC (MB)”,
       nvl(b.tot_used,0)/(1024*1024) “USED (MB)”,
       (nvl(b.tot_used,0)/a.bytes_alloc)*100 “% USED”
from ( select tablespace_name,
       sum(bytes) physical_bytes,
sum(decode(autoextensible,’NO’,bytes,’YES’,maxbytes)) bytes_alloc
       from dba_data_files
       group by tablespace_name ) a,
     ( select tablespace_name, sum(bytes) tot_used
       from dba_segments
group by tablespace_name ) b
where a.tablespace_name = b.tablespace_name (+)
–and   (nvl(b.tot_used,0)/a.bytes_alloc)*100 > 10
and   a.tablespace_name not in (select distinct tablespace_name from dba_temp_files)
and   a.tablespace_name not like ‘UNDO%’
order by 1
 –order by 5

RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on ORA_AUX_SBT_TAPE_1 channel

This is an error during Database Clone using RMAN. I was trying to restore database using RMAN Backup 

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-00569: ===============

RMAN-00571: ===========================================================

RMAN-03002: failure of Duplicate Db command
RMAN-05501: aborting duplication of target database

RMAN-03009: failure of allocate command on ORA_AUX_SBT_TAPE_1 channel 
ORA-19554: error allocating device, device type: SBT_TAPE, device name:

ORA-27211: Failed to load Media Management Library

Additional information: 

Cause: Backup Configuration was modified.

Use the below command to Resolve the error and continue with Database Restore

rman auxiliary / 
allocate auxiliary channel c1 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel c2 type disk;
duplicate database to ‘DEV’ backup location ‘/Daily_Backup/Backup_16042018’;